Hongzhi Guo

Contact Information

123E Avery Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 68588
Phone: 402-472-5089
Email: hguo10@unl.edu


  • CSCE 451/851: M W F 11:30 am- 12:20 pm

  • Office hour: M W 1:00pm-2:00pm or by appointment


  • Ph.D. State University of New York at Buffalo 2017

  • M.S. Columbia University, 2012

Selected Honors and Awards

  1. NSF CAREER 2022

  2. NSF CRII 2020

  3. Jeffress Memorial Trust Awards Program in Interdisciplinary Research 2020

  4. NSF HBCU-UP RIA 2020

  5. Best Demo Award, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2017

  6. Best Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017

  7. Student Travel Grant, IEEE Globecom 2016, by US National Science Foundation. 2016

  8. Student Travel Grant, IEEE Globecom 2015, by US National Science Foundation. 2015

  9. National Scholarship, by Ministry of Education of China. 2009